Yamang Bukid Turmeric 10 in 1 at 380.00 from Rizal. | LookingFour Buy & Sell Online

Yamang Bukid Turmeric 10 in 1


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Rustico Sanchez Jr


Seller since September 8 2021
Brand New
1 unit available
0 active offers
Listed in Groceries over 3 years ago
Preferred Payment Method Shipping Methods
  • Cash on Delivery - Meet-Up
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Seller's Location: Rizal

Loving this Golden Drink with a golden taste. Yamang Bukid is golden drink with Golden Benefits. Who says Healthy Drinks are boring? 10 benefits in 1 1. #GINGER – Nausea Relief, Digestive Support, Heals Ulcers, Boosts Immunity, Improves Diabetes, Anti-fungal, Reduces Pain, Fights Cancer, Support Weight Loss, Anti-inflamatory, Lower Cholesterol, Reduce Arthritis Pain. 2. #MALUNGGAY / #MORINGA – Antioxidants, Anti-inflamatory, Balances Hormones & Slows the Effects of Aging, Improves Digestive Health, Balances Blood Sugar levels; Fights Diabetes, Protects & Nourishes the Skin, Stabilizes Your Mood and Protects Brain Health. 3. #GYNURA PROCUMBENS– Protects the Liver, Lowers Blood Pressure, Help Protect from Viral Disease ‘Herpes’, Lowers Blood Sugar Levels, Antioxidant, Anti-Cancer, Anti-hyperlipidemic, Protects from Stomach Ulcer, Enhances Wound Healing, Anti-inflamatory, Remedy for Rheumatism, Modulates the Immune System, Protects the Heart, Remedy for Kidney Diseases, Boosts Reproductive Health, Wards of Skin Diseases, Wards of Fungal Infections. 4. #PEPPERMINT – Treats Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Alleviates Headaches, Minimizes Nausea, Supports Oral Health, Prevents Alergies and Asthma, Eases Muscle Pain, Improves Digestion, Fights Acne and Pimples, Stimulates Hair Growth, Beats Stress and Relieve Mental Fatigue. 5. #LEMONGRASS – Good for Digestion, Full of Antioxidants, Regulates High Blood Pressure, Boosts Metabolism & Burns Fat, Great for Skin and Hair, Heals Cold and Flu, Relieves Menstrual Pain. 6. #SAMBONG – Diuretic; induces urination & helps flush out Sodium and excess fluid through Urine, Lowers Blood Pressure, Has Kidney Cleansing Properties; delays Renal Failure, Cures Sore Throat, Relief from Stomach Ailments, Eases Muscle Pain, Source of Antioxidants. 7. #PANDAN – Great for Anxiety and Stress, Great for Pain (i.e. Arthritis, Chest Pains, Earaches, Headaches), Works wonders for the GI track & stomach cramps, Lowers Blood Pressure, Reduces Fever, Help Prevent/Heal some types of Cancer, Great for Detoxing the Liver and the Body in General, Mild Laxative for Children. 8. #LAGUNDI – Relieves Digestive Troubles, Tonic for Liver, Treats Respiratory Complaints, Combats Rheumatism, Heals Skin Diseases, Eases Muscle Pain. 9. #BANABA – Helps Treat Diarrhea & Constipation, Helps Urinary Disorders (i.e. dysuria, bladder and kidney inflammations), Weight Loss, Lowers Blood Sugar Levels, Lower Cholesterol. 10. #TURMERIC – Anticoagulants/Antiplatelets, Antidepressants, Anti-inflammatories, Skin Condition Treatments, Arthritis management, Cancer Treatment, Diabetes Management, Weight Loss, Gastrointestinal Treatments, Cholesterol Regulators, Painkillers; comparable to Steroids in treating Pain & Inflammation but w/o the side effects, Helps you Sleep More and Stress Less.
Buy Yamang Bukid Turmeric 10 in 1 for the price of 380 from Rustico Sanchez Jr located in Rizal, Philippines.