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For Health Supplements
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CalciMagD(1) Tri-Antioxidant(1) Wonder Meal(1) Liveright(1) Ingenium(2)
Item Number: 1021
Per Unit Cost: Php14,199 ( 200 PV )
Total Package Value : Php15,724
Your Saving : Php1,525
Members save additional 10%
CalciMagD (2004A)
• Provides a healthy dose of bio-available calcium to rebuild bones.
• Provides vitamin D to support absorption of calcium.
• Provides magnesium to support incorporation of calcium into the bones.
• Provides magnesium for energy production in all body cells.
• Helps reduce muscle cramps.
• Promotes muscle and body relaxation.
Tri-Antioxidant (2001A)
The composition of Tri-Antioxidant is unique in its combination of Selenium, Green Tea Extract, OPC3 (Grapes Seed Extracts and Pine Bark Extract). These ingredients help to slow down the oxidation damage (aging) of your body's cells.
Provide anti-cancer components
Promote anti-oxidation in digestion and body tissue to help slow aging.
Promote anti-oxidation on cell surface where the damage is prominent.
Activate cell's internal, natural anti-oxidation mechanisms to block oxidation inside cells.
Help prevention and resolution of atherosclerosis in blood vessels for healthy blood flow.
Provide the critical and essential trace mineral Selenium for nutrition & as a potent antioxidant.
Provide synergistic and diverse anti-oxidation effects through multiple antioxidant combinations.
Ingredients(Replace Resources on new website):
Amount % Daily Value
Green Tea Extract (Learn More >>)
Selenium (Learn More >>)
Grapes and Pine Bark Extracts (Learn More >>)
Wonder Meal (2005)
Protein for Weight Loss
Supplementing higher quantities of protein for meals will encourage the body to burn more body fat for energy supplementation. Obesity is found in approximately 55% of patients diagnosed with Type II diabetes. According to the 2007 statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO), there are over 1.6 billion overweight adults in the world. That number is projected to grow by 40% over the next 10 years!
Protein to Build Muscles
Body builders must supplement larger quantities of protein to meet the demand of their growing muscle tissues or the body will “cannibalize” protein tissues from other areas in the body.
Protein to Help Balance Blood Sugar
Protein can also be instrumental in balancing our blood sugar and metabolism when used in combination with Chromium Picolinate. It has been used to better regulate Type II diabetes. According to the American Diabetes Association, approximately 18.3% (8.6 million) Americans age 60 and older have diabetes.
Liveright (2002A)
• Designed to fight liver fibrosis with its anti-inflammatory components
• Promotes strong antioxidation in liver cells to prevent further oxidation damage in the liver
• Promotes antioxidation on liver cell surface where oxidation activity is high
• Promotes liver anti-inflammation by inhibiting the enzyme Lipoxygenase
• Provides components that are known to block powerful toxins from damaging the liver
• Helps catalyze Superoxide Dismutase, the fundamental antioxidant enzyme
• Facilitates removal of toxic drugs into the urine through glucuronidation
• Promotes liver regeneration of new healthy liver cells through activation of protein synthesis
Ingenium (2012)
• Naturally synchronize with the body’s metabolism for a more consistent release of vital minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients throughout the day to provide a balanced daily percentage of the total recommended daily allowance.
• Maximize the body’s ability to absorb, balance and sustain necessary vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that are lacking in our food consumption.
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