Disposable Surgical Face Mask 3-Ply 50's at 200.00 from City of Muntinlupa. | LookingFour Buy & Sell Online

Disposable Surgical Face Mask 3-Ply 50's


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Seller since August 19 2020
Brand New
2 units available
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Listed in Medical Supplies over 4 years ago
Preferred Payment Method Shipping Methods
  • Cash on Delivery - Pick-Up
  • Cash on Delivery - Courier Delivery
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Seller's Location: City of Muntinlupa

It is designed to prevent infections in patients and treating personnel by catching bacteria shed in liquid droplets and aerosols from the wearer's mouth and nose. They are not designed to protect the wearer from breathing in airborne bacteria or viruses whose particles are smaller. With respect to some infections like influenza, such as N95 or FFP masks; though the latter provide better protection in laboratory experiments due to their material, shape and tight seal. No or less burnt smell Recommended for hospital, clinic and laboratory, and general use. 3-ply 1 box = 50 pieces ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
Buy Disposable Surgical Face Mask 3-Ply 50's for the price of 200 from theardentph located in City of Muntinlupa, Philippines.