Buy and Sell New & Second Hand Item: LookingFour Philippines
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LookingFour Buy & Sell Online

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Sigurado Sellers

Because of our Certified Sellers who are verified by submitting Valid ID, you can transact safer and have peace of mind.

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Sigurado Deals

You save money and get better value deals buying preloved and gently used items that are good as new.

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Sigurado QR Reviews

Have confidence reading our product reviews because they are validated by QR code and written by real people.

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User Verification Ranking


New Comer Badge

Users at this tier have their email address, mobile number, and Facebook account verified.

Silver Certified

Silver Certified Badge

Users at this tier have completed the same verification process as the Newcomer tier, but they have also verified their identity by providing a valid ID.

Gold Certified

Gold Certified Badge

Users at this verification tier have completed the same verification process as the Silver Certified tier, but they have also verified their address by providing proof of billing.

Buy and Sell New and Secondhand Items Philippines

These days, you can buy practically everything online. Whether you need a replacement for your old sofa or want the latest model of a popular smartphone brand, you can simply visit your favorite online store and make a purchase.

At the same time, you can also use the power of the internet for selling. Whether you are planning to start a small business or are cleaning out your closet and storage room, you can easily set up your very own storefront through an online marketplace and start selling online.

The problem is that it can be a bit of a hassle to switch between platforms for buying and selling; some sites may also be not as secure as you want them to be—or there may be too many steps to get your account verified. These and many more factors can negatively affect your overall online shopping and selling experience.

Everything You're Looking For, They're on LookingFour

Do you want a smooth and safe experience when you buy and sell new and secondhand items? There's no better place than LookingFour, an online marketplace where you can purchase and sell new, pre-loved, and refurbished items. There's wide array of product categories one can explore on our site, including:

  • Home and Furniture
  • Electronic Gadgets
  • Fashion
  • Vehicles and Properties
  • Personal Health and Wellness Products
  • Toys and Hobby Products

Definitely, whatever you're looking for, it is on LookingFour!

Why Is LookingFour One of the Best Places Online to Buy and Sell in the Philippines?

With LookingFour, it's easier than ever to buy and sell new and secondhand items in the Philippines. Established in 2020, our goal is to help you live a more organized, sustainable lifestyle while helping you save and earn money. Here's how we deliver on this promise:

Sigurado Sellers

To prevent scams and promote consumer safety, LookingFour has a three-level user verification system: Newcomer, Silver, and Gold. LookingFour will give users who complete the prescribed steps with Sigurado Seller badges, so customers know they're transacting with legitimate sellers.

To become a Sigurado Seller, you need to present the following:

  • Active Facebook account
  • Valid mobile number
  • Valid email address
  • Valid government-issued ID
  • Proof of billing and address

Thousands of Items Advertised and Sold

Just 2 years since its launch, LookingFour has already accumulated more than 26,000 listings—and the number and variety of items just continues to grow! LookingFour is definitely shaping up to become your favorite one-stop online marketplace to buy and sell new and secondhand items in the Philippines. We have plenty of home and lifestyle items, as well as food products, pet care items, and even property listings!

LookingFour Quick Guide

Are you new to LookingFour? Don't worry! We've got your back. Below are some frequently asked questions and other details you may want to know about LookingFour.

Sigurado Sellers

Anyone can use LookingFour to buy and sell new and secondhand items in the Philippines, as long as they are 18 years old. If you aren't at least 18 years old, you may not access and use the service provided by LookingFour.

For more information about our terms and conditions, especially with regard to creating a listing and offering an item for sale, please visit this page.

How Can I Make a LookingFour Account?

To be able to buy and sell through the LookingFour website, you need to make an account first. You have two options to do this: you can either sign up with your Facebook account or sign up with a username. For the second option, you also need to provide your mobile number and create a password.

What Makes Buying and Selling in a Secure Online Marketplace Safe and Convenient?

When you buy and sell in a secure online marketplace, you can be confident that your personal details are safe. This means you don't have to worry about your credentials and other sensitive information getting stolen and being used for fraudulent transactions.

In addition, using a secure shopping platform means you're transacting with legitimate individuals. In short, there's a lower likelihood of scams, bogus sellers, bogus buyers, and joy bidders ruining your day. You also have access to multiple payment methods, so you can pay for your purchases and receive your earnings in the most convenient way for you.

To check if the online marketplace you're visiting is secure, check the address bar of your internet browser. The URL should start with “https” and have a padlock icon on the leftmost or rightmost side.

What Are the Common Concerns of Filipinos When It Comes to Buying and Selling Online?

One of the biggest fears of Filipino consumers about online shopping is getting scammed. It's definitely a legitimate concern, especially since there are plenty of stories being shared on social media sites about buyers who received a fake item. There are even cases where the package has been opened and replaced with an altogether different product The previously mentioned security issues are also a big concern. This is why some customers prefer cash on delivery or in-person meet-ups, because they don't have to share their details online.

Meanwhile, there are sellers who have experienced dealing with “bogus” buyers who reserve an item but never follow through with the purchase. Getting low-balled is also a concern. While these are often a minor inconvenience most of the time, it can also take up precious time and could even result in lost business opportunities.

Many of these concerns can be avoided by buying and selling through secure platforms like LookingFour. Aside from built-in site security, LookingFour also exerts every effort to ensure that its users are legitimate.

What Makes LookingFour Different from Other Online Marketplaces?

One of the things that sets LookingFour apart from other online marketplaces is that it allows buyers to make an offer for a product. This makes saving money so much easier. For the seller, this feature allows them to choose a customer with the best offers that can help them improve their profits.

LookingFour also has its own way to rate or rank each individual user. The Newcomer badge is the most basic level of verification, while the Silver Certification and Gold Certification are a step above the other. With a Gold Certification badge, buyers and sellers will know that a LookingFour user is completely verified and safe to transact with.

What Are the Benefits of Being a Sigurado Seller?

Being a Sigurado Seller on LookingFour has plenty of benefits. Keep in mind, however, that the benefits will vary depending on your verification level.

  • Newcomer Verification Badge - A seller with a Newcomer badge has used their Facebook account, email, and mobile number as proof of identification. They can have a maximum of 10 active listings at a time, as well as set a unique name for their LookingFour store and add a short description.
  • Silver Certified Badge - If you have a Silver Certified badge, it means you have verified your identity using the above-mentioned methods, plus a valid government-issued ID. As a seller, you'll be able to post up to 50 items at a time. You may also get your listings featured on the LookingFour front page. Silver Certified sellers will also have a LookingFour store URL based on their username, and they will likewise be able to add their social media links to their store's page.
  • Gold Certified Badge - Finally, a user with a Gold Certified badge has been verified using the Newcomer and Silver verification methods plus a proof of address. This is the highest verification level and can help people feel more reassured that they won't be scammed. Aside from the previously mentioned benefits, Gold Certified users can also have up to 300 active posts at a time. They may also be featured on LookingFour's “Trusted Stores” version. They can also set their own store URL to help with optimization.

What Sort of Things Can You Buy and Sell through the LookingFour Website?

LookingFour is a great website to buy and sell new and secondhand items in the Philippines. Some of our most popular items and product categories are:

  • Home and office furniture, like sofas, beds, tables, chairs, and cabinets
  • Home appliances, like washing machines, refrigerators, electric fans, air conditioners, and kitchen appliances
  • Laptops and computers
  • Mobile phones and tablets
  • Electronic devices and accessories like speakers, power banks, gaming consoles, and cameras
  • Men and women's fashion items
  • Pet products, including pet food, pet toys, pet grooming essentials, and pet furniture
  • Health and personal care items, including beauty products, hygiene essentials, cosmetics
  • Groceries, packaged snacks, and food products
  • Digital products, such as various software and online classes

Aside from these, you can also advertise services in LookingFour. These include things like aircon cleaning and plumbing, as well as interior design, construction, and even electronics repair.

What's even better is that our listings keep growing each day, and more users are signing up. In short, you'll find more opportunities to earn and save money when you buy and sell in LookingFour.

Create your LookingFour account today and transform the way you buy and sell new and secondhand items in the Philippines!